Laser Hair Reduction
What is BBL Hair Reduction?
Pulsed light hair removal works by emitting light that passes through the skin to the pigment in the hair follicle. The light is absorbed and transformed into heat which disables the follicle and the cells responsible for growing new hair, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.
What areas can be treated?
Any area of your body can be treated. The most common areas are the armpits, legs, face, bikini area, chest and back. (Fees vary according to the areas treated.)
How many treatments will need?
Hair has three phases of growth: active growth phase, an intermediate non-growth phase, and a resting phase with no hair follicle present. Duration of hair growth cycles vary with the location on the body. The laser can only eliminate the hair that is currently in an active growth cycle so multiple treatments (usually at least 5) are necessary over a time span (6-8 week intervals) to remove hair from most areas. Final results may not be apparent for several months post treatment. Periodic maintenance treatments will be necessary to maintain your results.
Who is a good candidate for Laser Hair Reduction?
Everyone has different skin and different hair, so a consultation will be needed to determine the best plan for you and your goals. The pigment of the skin and hair impact the effectiveness of the treatments. The laser’s heat is attracted to higher amounts of pigment or melanin. For example, people with very pale skin and black hair are going to have more success than someone with mid-tone skin and light brown hair. People who have blonde or grey hair or very dark skin are not good candidates for BBL hair reduction. Patients cannot have a tan when being treated. Inform your physician if you have been tanning or exposed to the sun within the last four weeks. You should not use self-tanning lotions or sprays for 1 month before your treatment. Tanning increases the risk of complications such as blistering and discoloration.
What should I expect after treatment?
Some redness and slight swelling will be present in the area that has been treated; however, this should subside within 24 to 48 hours. Patients may experience small red bumps around the hair follicles that can itch and last up to 2 weeks.
Individual Results May Vary