Key Points
Type of scar, typically formed when a wound is under tension
Consists of thickened scar tissue in the affected area
Hypertrophic scars typically form when a healing wound is under tension. Because of this tension, scar tissue in the affected area becomes thickened, and may appear stretched. Anyone may experience hypertrophic scarring.
Differential Diagnosis (Other conditions with similar appearance)Dermatofibroma
Key Points
Diagnosis based on appearance of the affected area
Diagnosis of hypertrophic scarring is based on the appearance of the affected area.
Typically resolves without treatment
*Several treatments exist which may help with scar resolution
OTC Options: Moisturizers and moisturizing oils
Hypertrophic scars will typically resolve without treatment, but several therapies exist which may assist the resolution process. Keeping the affected area moisturized is key, and scar reduction patches and gels, in conjunction with pressure dressings may also be of benefit. Additionally, health care professionals may utilize corticosteroid Injections, cryotherapy, and pulsed dye laser therapy to facilitate resolution of the scar.