Labial Melanotic Macule

Labial Melanotic Macule


Key Points
Freckle arising on the lower lip
Cause is unknown, but some cases may be related to sun exposure
Consists of a flat brownish black patch, typically on the lower lip, which is typically oval in shape

Labial melanotic macule refers to the formation of a freckle-like lesion on the lower lip. As with freckles, the lesions are harmless, and consist of a flat, brownish black patch, oval in shape, in the center portion of the lower lip. Lesions may also form inside the mouth or on the genitals. Labial melanotic macules are not accompanied by any symptoms aside from the lesion.

The cause of labial melanotic macule is unknown, but cases on the lip may be related to sun exposure. They are more commonly seen in fair-skinned persons. However, lesions may also form in areas not typically exposed to sun, and in darker-skinned persons.

Differential Diagnosis (Other conditions with similar appearance)
Actinic Keratosis
Ephelides (Freckles)
Seborrheic Keratosis
Lentigo Maligna Melanoma

Key Points
Diagnosis based on appearance of the affected area
Other tests may be required to rule out similar appearing conditions

Labial melanotic macules are typically diagnosed based on the appearance of the affected area. Other tests may be required, however, to rule out similar appearing conditions.

Treatment is unnecessary due to the harmless nature of the condition
*Treatment may be requested for cosmetic reasons, for which several therapies are available

Labial melanotic macules do not generally require treatment due to the harmless nature of the condition. However, some affected persons may desire treatment for cosmetic reasons. In these cases, health care professionals may pursue several treatment options, including cryotherapy, laser and Intense pulsed light therapies. Surgical excision is less often used, as it results in scarring of the affected area.