June 14, 2020

Written by Mary Susan Hilton

Recently an exasperated parent lamented to me, "Mary Susan, I need your help! My toddler won't hold still when we try to put on sunscreen!" Applying sunscreen on a child can end up being a cardio workout for the parent.  Here are some practical tips to lessen the stress:

  • Give them a choice.  I have found that if I give my toddler the choice between dots and stripes, he is much more willing to cooperate.  I apply the sunscreen on him in either a dotted or striped pattern: he helps me rub it in.

  • Guess the shape.  Draw a heart or other shape on a part of the body the child can't see (i.e. the back, face, or backs of the legs), then ask your toddler to guess the shape. It's amazing how much body surface area you can cover while he or she is guessing! Make sure to rub the shapes in afterward for complete coverage.

  • Take turns.  This will take some patience on the parent's part.  I usually sunscreen the face first, then offer the child to apply some on mommy as a reward.  You can decide the application location!

  • Consider applying sunscreen to the face while still in their car seat. For the beach and pool, I find kids want to jump right into the water upon arrival. Consider applying sunscreen to their faces once in the car while they are still strapped in.

  • Involve the child. Toddlers love independence. A sunscreen stick or roll-on applicator is the perfect way to appease that need while you thoroughly slather sunscreen onto the rest of the body.  For this, I personally love the brand Project Sunscreen. So easy to use even my 3-year-old can apply his own, and with no mess! It even comes in fun prints and colors. Project Sunscreen also makes refillable sponge applicators, allowing you to fill with your sunscreen brand of choice.

  • Other sun-protective measures. Clothing is a parent's best friend.  It decreases sunscreen application time tremendously and, in addition to filtering out UV rays, tightly woven clothing reflects heat and helps keep you feeling cool. Multiple retailers now offer rash guards with fun prints and patterns.  And don't forget a wide-brimmed hat to protect the face, scalp, ears and neck. I personally like the Sunday Afternoon Kid’s Play Hat

Take the time and make it part of your routine to apply sunscreen on your children before they go outside.  They are worth it! If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please contact us at Ozark Dermatology.  Remember: sunscreen is your child's best friend.


