Key Points
Infectious disease which typically affects young children
Caused by viral infection
Cutaneous symptoms consist of a raised, red or pink rash of spots, which initially form on the torso
Roseola is an infectious disease which typically affects young children. Initial symptoms present as a high fever, usually accompanied by respiratory issues and tiredness. As fever subsides, a raised rash of red or pink spots develops on the torso, which may spread to the extremities and last up to 3 days. The condition may appear atypically, including lack of preceding fever or development of the rash. In rare cases, prolonged high fever may cause seizures.
Roseola is caused by a viral infection, usually human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6), though type 7 may be responsible in some cases. The condition typically appears in children below age 3, and cases in adulthood are very rare.
Differential Diagnosis (Other conditions with similar appearance)
Otitis Media
Febrile Seizures
Fifth disease
Urinary Tract Infections and Pyelonephritis
Meningitis and Encephalitis
Key Points
Diagnosis based on the appearance of the affected area and clinical examination
No other testing is generally required
Roseola is typically diagnosed based on the appearance of the rash in affected areas in conjunction with clinical examination. No other testing is generally required, as the condition is self-resolving.
No specific treatment is required
*Goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms
OTC Options: acetaminophen
Roseola requires no specific treatment, as the condition is self-resolving and typically moderate in effect. Administration of acetaminophen for fever, maintaining proper fluids and rest will be recommended by health care professionals. As the rash itself is asymptomatic, no treatment is necessary.