Laser Services


What brand of laser is used for services?

We use Sciton's high-performance multi-module JOULE™X platform for all of our lasers services. JOULE™X leads the way as the most customizable laser and light performance system available on one robust platform. Three distinct delivery modes: arm, fiber, and BBL™ (Broadband Light) provide the widest array of aesthetic and surgical procedures available from a single platform. JOULE™X addresses an abundance of skin quality restorative and revitalizing concerns, women's health, body contouring, vascular conditions, and unwanted hair all with the power of lasers and light

BBL™ (BroadBand Light) + ProFractional™                                                                                     
BBL™ is an intense pulsed light device (not a laser) available on the JOULE™ platform used to remove pigmented and vascular lesions, reduce acne ,and remove hair. BBL™ works well with ProFractional™ Therapy and allows the medical provider to treat more conditions in the same session.

Laser Hair Reduction                                                                                    
Pulsed light hair reduction works by emitting light that passes through the skin to the pigment in the hair follicle. The light is absorbed and transformed into heat which disables the the follicle and the cells responsible for growing new hair, leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

  • Our high-tech, pulsed light system is quick, easy and promises long-lasting results.

  • A series of 6-10 treatments are recommended for best results.

**All prepaid services are valid for one year from the purchase date.**